American Exceptionalism?

I define exceptionalism as the believe that one is special, or has the only answer.  We have all met people like that.  What fun!

As I look at the claims of American exceptionalism, I have mixed feelings.  My problem is not that America is a special place. I believe it is.  We have a multitude of strengths that make us the envy of the world.

My problem lies with the portion of my definition that says we are the only answer, that ours is always the best solution.    Every country is different, with different problems and circumstances.  One size fits all is seldom a good solution, particularly when problems have a myriad of interrelated causes.  For example, is poverty in Africa caused by lack of freedom, poor education, lack of opportunities?  Yes, and probably several other causes.

Is American democracy the only answer?  Probably not.  After all, we still have a substantial number of problems with poverty, lack of education and lack of opportunity.

The goal of any country should not be to become America.  More likely the goal should be to bring the most benefits to most of the population.  The goal should be to take the best of America and to apply it to the unique circumstances of a particular country.

America has one of the least corrupt government systems in the world.  Our system of democracy lets us “throw the bums out” to an extent greater than most of the world and to give the people a large say in how things are.  but we are not perfect.

The goal of American exceptionalism should be to bring good governance to the most people and let them decide what is best of them.


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